Be quick now: Application period for selected degree programmes extended
18. Aug. 2024
Friedensau Adventist University is extending the application period for selected study programmes. Now is the time to decide quickly! The application windows are still open until 31 August 2024 for
- B.A. International Social Work (abbreviation ISW, in English, full-time) *
- M.A. Pastoral Ministry (abbreviation MPM, in English, full-time) **
- Master of Theological Studies (MTS, in English, full/part-time) **
- M.A. Development Studies online (application deadline as early as 21 August 2024) ***
The application deadline for the B.A. Theology (in German, full-time) and the B.A. Social Sciences (in German, full-time or part-time) is also 31 August 2024.
Take advantage of the opportunities available to you! Apply:
Special note for the B.A. Social Sciences: The online info days will take place on 7 August 2024, 7 to 8 p.m., and on 22 August 2024, 12 to 1 p.m. Registration at:
Detailed information on the degree programmes:
* Our Bachelor's study programme ISW offers the qualifications needed to perform social work in an international context. Applicants from Germany and Europe are expressly encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to study in English and to apply.
** The Master's study programmes in Theology are intended for those who wish to pursue a career within the church and therefore wish to obtain a Master's degree in Theology or are already working as a pastor but do not yet have a Master's degree. The programme content is geared towards the most important areas of work of a future pastor: | The short video provides an insight into MPM:
*** Development Studies online is the study programme for professionals who are already working in the field and want to acquire a Master's degree via an online course alongside their job.
Friedensau Adventist University is a state-recognised university sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Ten B.A. and M.A. study programmes are available in the schools of Social Sciences and Theology – some of which are part-time or online: Prospective students can register for taster days and get to know life in the lecture theatre and on campus. Events to mark the 125th anniversary of the location: (Text: Andrea Cramer).
1 Video (© ThHF) | 333 words, 2,675 characters; free for publication

Image Rights: FAU | Inna Mayer