Dr Jill P. Blau continues lecture series Flourishing with second lecture

19. Nov. 2024

The concept of the commons is currently receiving increased attention both academically and politically. It is discussed as a transformative force that enables a different perspective on socio-ecological and socio-cultural structures beyond the market-state dichotomy. Far from this macro perspective, however, commons are usually very local, sophisticated social structures. Viewing natural resources as common goods/commons therefore entails a more holistic view of people and their environment. This lecture discusses how and in what form these are strongly linked to concepts of the good life and flourishing, and what potentials arise from this.

 Dr. phil. Jill Philine Blau is a graduate of Sussex University and the Hertie School and holds a doctorate from the Free University of Berlin. She leads the M.A. Development Studies Online program at Friedensau Adventist University for professionals in the humanitarian/development sector. She conducts research on issues of social justice, commons and commoning and how people fare when working in self-organization. She advises private and state actors in the areas of commoning and social justice.

The lecture will be held in English language. A translation into German will be provided on site. If you participate via Zoom (Pre-registration at 125-friedensau.de), the lecture will be transmitted in German.