Greeting for the 125th anniversary of Friedensau
15. Jul. 2024
Like many other Adventist schools in the USA, Europe and worldwide, Friedensau Missionary Seminary was founded in 1899 in the conviction that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent and that every person in the world should be prepared for it.
Our pioneers believed that this great event would happen quickly. They were deeply convinced that their main task was to teach and preach the gospel presented in the Bible in a contemporary way, but without theological and philosophical influences that contradict the Word of God.
In contrast to dualistic thinking, according to which the soul is trapped in a sinful body, the Seventh-day Adventist pioneers believed, on the basis of the Holy Scriptures, that the body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Adventist schools saw it as their task to impart knowledge on how to maintain and promote physical, mental and spiritual health.
Because faith and science, properly understood, are not opposites but complement each other, these basic building blocks of faith and education played a decisive role in the founding of Adventist schools from the very beginning, as can be seen in the example of the Friedensau Missionary and Industrial School. The health food factory, the sanatorium, the nursing school, the training for preachers and missionaries all formed an organic unit.
Since its beginnings, Adventist education has always faced the challenge of balancing the tension between the reality of the kingdom of God in the dimensions of "already" and "not yet" in a world in which secular and mystical influences question and threaten the Christian faith.
We look back on the 125th anniversary of Friedensau with a heart full of gratitude. Despite all the challenges during this time, God has held his hand over this educational institution. From the missionary and industrial school, Friedensau developed into a Theological University. We are grateful to all those who have given their best over the years for the prosperity of this institution. And we are especially grateful to God, who has called us to work closely with him to proclaim his approaching kingdom, which will become a reality in the hearts of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and King!
Mario Brito, President of the Inter-European Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (Bern)

Image Rights: EUD | Friedensau Adventist University