Dr. Johannes Hartlapp spoke about Napoleon Bonaparte
15. Nov. 2021
On November 14, 2021, church historian Dr. Johannes Hartlapp gave a lecture at the University Library on the 200th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte's death. In addition to the most important biographical stages – 1769 to 1821, from Corsica to St. Helena – Dr. Hartlapp discussed the most significant military successes, but focused his attention on his political legacy such as the Code Civil, which was introduced in 1804. The Code Civil is considered the most progressive code of the time. Many European countries took it as the basis for their later civil codes.
The Code Civil contained the equality of all citizens before the law, freedom for all and the protection of private property: all these demands of the French Revolution, which now found a valid legal form. It regulated civil law, i.e. questions of family, property, inheritance. It also established the separation of church and state.
Of particular interest were the historically documented references to the town of Möckern, whose walls once housed the Prussian state treasure for a short time when it was brought to safety from Napoleonic troops and transferred from Berlin to the largest Prussian fortress in Magdeburg.
from Berlin to the largest Prussian fortress in Magdeburg.
The lecture was simultaneously translated into English.