Arthur Daniells Institute of Mission Studies (ADIMIS)

Interdisciplinary Institute for Theological and Socio-Scientific Research in Church Development and Mission

The members of the ADIMIS do research and teaching in the whole field of missiology.  Currently, the focus is on studies on church development and regional research (especially, Eastern Europe and Africa).

More information about study tours, further education opportunities and research projects can be found on our website.


Bild der THH Friedensau
Bild der THH Friedensau
Bild der THH Friedensau
Bild der THH Friedensau

Project in Tanzania

We support the education of the Maasai by providing a primary school. The school currently has about 300 students and teaches preschool through 7th grade. The school is now officially recognized by the government but relies on donations to operate.

The cooperation with Burger Roland-Gymnasium (High School), was formalised in writing on 8 February 2019 with a cooperation agreement. It envisages linking the work of the ThHF project group on-site in Tanzania with pupils from a preschool, thus making active development cooperation tangible. To this end, representatives of the ThHF and students from different departments travel to Tanzania every year for project assignments. They plan to report on this to the pupils at Burger Gymnasium in lessons or project days and to accompany them on specific media or climate projects. Teacher Ralf Sieber is organising the collaboration for Burger Roland-Gymnasium. The project manager from the university is Dr László Szabó, who has been in charge of the ThHF's work in Tanzania since 2009.

You are also welcome to support our work financially.

Donation account:

Friedensauer Hochschul-Stiftung
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

Purpose: ADIMIS
IBAN: DE53 8102 0500 0001 4854 00 

These donations will only be used for a specific purpose according to the wishes. You can donate to the foundation by single or permanent donation (standing order or direct debit authorisation).

Upon request, FAU will issue a donation receipt.

Dr. László Szabó

Associate Professor of Mission Studies and Intercultural Studies
Director of Arthur Daniells Institute of Mission Studies (ADIMIS)

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-204
Fax: +49 (0) 3921 916-201

An der Ihle 5 B
39291 Möckern-Friedensau

Szilvia Szabó

Project Manager Arthur-Daniells-Institute of Mission Studies

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-204
Fax: +49 (0) 3921 916-120

An der Ihle 5B
39291 Möckern-Friedensau

Prof. Stefan Höschele

Ph.D. (University of Malawi)
Professor for Systematic Theology and Adventist Studies
Vice Dean, School of Theology
Director of the Institute for Adventist Studies

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-121

An der Ihle 5 A
39291 Möckern-Friedensau