CoronaNews from 30.04.2020
30. Apr. 2020
- May 1st Holiday (Labor Day)
- Development Corona / Stay tuned!
- Mensa
- Events on the weekend
Holiday May 1st
Please note that tomorrow, May 1st, is a public holiday. All offices are closed, the cafeteria is open as on holiday. Buses run as on weekends, all shops are closed.
Development Corona / Stay tuned
In the next few days the 5th decree of the government of the state of Saxony-Anhalt will be issued. The Ministry of Economics, Science and Digitization will issue a guideline for the re-opening of universities, which will also have an impact on the teaching at FAU. We will inform about this shortly. We are longing to end the state of emergency which has already lasted for 7 weeks. But the prospect of relaxation should not make us neglect the rules of hygiene: Distance wherever possible and regularly wash your hands properly for at least 30 seconds. Also thanks to your willingness to follow the rules of hygiene and to follow the online lessons, we have survived the time well so far. There are no Covid 19 cases in Friedensau yet, and we want to work to keep it that way. We hope that time will soon be over and that we then can meet again as before on the grounds, in teaching and in spiritual life.
At this point we would like to encourage you once again to take your meals in the cafeteria. In our cafeteria it is guaranteed that all hygiene standards are observed. Unfortunately, this is not the case in the dormitories' tea kitchens.
The cafeteria has the following opening hours:
Breakfast 7:30 am to 9:00 am
Lunch 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm, on weekends and holidays (e.g. tomorrow 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm)
Dinner 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Events on the weekend
Shabbat Shalom - We invite you again tomorrow evening, 7:30 pm, to Shabbat Shalom. You can participate via Zoom (Link was send by e-mail). Timothy Nyatigo Omwega will lead a devotional service on the theme "Hope in hopeless situations".
Worship Service - We cordially invite you to worship on the Sabbath. At 10:00 am there will be the Bible discussion in German from the studio again and afterwards Dominik Weber will preach in German from 11:00 am You can participate here In addition, we offer an English language Bible discussion via zoom from 10:00 am on and afterwards an English language sermon by Timothy Nyatigo Omwega