CoronaNews from 5.05.2020
05. May. 2020
- 5th regulation from the State of Saxony-Anhalt
- Library
- Teaching
- Use of space for network access
- Kindergarden
- Playground
- Meeting under the word
- Scholarships for volunteers at Corona Aid
+++5th regulation of the state of Saxony-Anhalt+++
On May 2th , the 5th Regulation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt on protection against the corona virus was issued. It contains some relaxations. For example, 5 people are now allowed to be in public together, and they do not have to belong to the same household. Sports can be practiced contactlessly outdoors with up to 5 persons. Libraries, museums and memorials will open again. You can read the regulation here:
From Wednesday, May 6th, the library will be open to the public again. The hygiene instructions must be observed. Users must have their user number noted in a list when entering and leaving the library. When leaving the library, the workplace must be disinfected personally. The rules are summarized here:
+++ Teaching, use of rooms for the purpose of network access +++
We are currently working on the list of contact classes that can be made in the coming weeks. You will be informed in CampusNet. This will also determine which rooms can be opened for network access outside of classroom sessions.
+++ Kindergarden+++
According to the new regulation, children of students, teachers and necessary staff may also be admitted to emergency childcare at the day care center if other childcare is not possible. Applications for this can be collected from Inga Mohr at the day care center or requested by email: ">.
The playground can only be opened at the weekend at the earliest after approval by the district administrator. Children may only visit the playground under supervision. On weekdays, the playground is reserved for the sole use of the Friedensau day-care center between 09:30 and 11:30 am.
+++Meeting under the word+++
As every Wednesday, we cordially invite you to meet under the Word. Jochen Streit will lead the devotion on the theme "We will be like those who dream". Here is the link to participate: Afterwards Tobias Koch will give information about the current Corona situation.
+++Scholarships for volunteers in the CoronaAid+++
Anyone who has been involved in neighborhood aid projects as a student can apply for a scholarship. Here is the link to the application: