For your registration:
First of all, the membership and registration is free. You´ll find the application form for registration here. Please, don´t forget your passport or ID-card for registration. Before registration please read our terms of use and scale of charges.
For guidance:
To find what you´re looking for, you´ll get here the plan of shelf placement, where the media are sorted by content.
The Systematik der Friedensauer Bibliothek explains the signatures on the book spine. Every topic has their own signature shotcut – for example books about overall scientific representations of Protestant dogmatics you´ll find with the signature „Theol D 0060.1“
Studying in the library
If you are studying in the library for a longer period of time, you are able to reserve a desk or carrel. If you borrow items as desk or carrel loans, you can be sure, that your items are still on your working space next day. Please bring the items to the counter and have them recorded as desk or carrel loans.
Raul Cervantes
Telephone: + 49 (0) 3921 916-147
Borrowing from the library collection
The library primarily supports members of the university in their studies, teaching and research. At the same time, as a facility which is accessible free of charge to the general public, it sees itself as the region’s information centre, serving both the citizens of the local community and prospective users from further afield.
Loan periods
- Standard loan = 4 weeks
- Desk/carrel loan = 4 weeks
- Extension (by phone, in person, by email) = 4 weeks (max. 2 extensions per item)
- Items from the reserve collection = from 18:30 until 11:00 the following day. Weekend: from Friday 12:30 until Sunday 11:00.
- Special loans for theses = for the duration of the thesis
- Long-term loans for lecturers = 3 months
Reference only (not to be borrowed)
- Journals
- Items marked as ‘reference only’ (red sticker)
- Items from the reserve collection (green sticker) – except for overnight borrowing.
Loans are free of charge. However, if the items are not returned by the end of the loan period, the library charges a fine per item borrowed. For standard loans, reminders are sent on a weekly basis, for short-term loans there are daily reminders.
- Short-term loans per day – €1.00
- Standard loan first reminder – €1.00
- Standard loan second reminder – €2.00
- Standard loan third reminder – €4.00
- Standard loan fourth reminder – €8.00
Interlibrary loans
Are you not finding what you need? No problem! You can request items from other libraries in the regional Common Library Network. As soon as your ordered item reaches us, we´ll inform you.
How it works
- Before placing an order you must check that the item required is not available in our library. If the item is borrowed you are able to reserve it.
- Buy a valid interlibrary loan PIN code for each order. You can purchase these yellow cards (containing 1 or 10 codes) for €1.50 per PIN code at our counter. FAU lecturers can also order the required quantity by email:
Please note: The € 1,50 are a processing fee only, and will not be refunded if the desired item cannot be obtained. The terms and conditions of use of the library apply.
- Find your required item in the catalogue of the databases of the GBV. In the left-hand bar next to the search results you will see the buttons “loan request” and/or “copy request”. Click on these to retrieve the order form.
Please note: When logging on to the GBV website with the interlibrary loan PIN codes, do not select the option “remember password”. If you have selected this you must delete the browser cookie to the GBV website in order to be able to use another interlibrary loan PIN code.
Printing and Copying
Opening and charging the print and copy account:
Let your key transponder or student card be set up by the IT department (in case it hast not been done). Then you´ll get your print and copy account (Papercut).
Charge your print and copy account (Papercut) at the library circulation desk. Please note that we just accept cash.
After opening and charging your print and copy account you just need your key transponder or card to print, scan or copy in the library.
Size | black/white | black/white double sided | color | color double sided | scanning |
A4/A5 | 0,06 Euro | 0,12 Euro | 0,36 Euro | 0,72 Euro | 0,00 Euro |
A3 | 0,12 Euro | 0,24 Euro | 0,72 Euro | 1,44 Euro | 0,00 Euro |
Notice: Patrons that are not affiliated with the Friedensau Adventist University pay additionally Value-Added Tax (VAT) of 19 %. Please ask at the service desk for a guest card -should you need one.
Off campus databases access
If you are studying at the Adventist University Friedensau and like to have access to our databases, just use your library ID (for students your matriculation number) and your date of birth. You´ll be asked for it when you access a database.
For further information:
Course Reserves
Roland Fischer:
Igor Lorencin
- BNT 101 Griechisch Letürekurs (Tb1)
- BNT 501 Einleitung in das neue Testament (Tb2)
- BNT 502 Offenbarung des Johannes (Tb3)
- BNT 602 Theologie des neuen Testaments (Tb4)
- BGR-101 Griechisch (Tb5)
- BNT 601 - Die Briefe NT - 1. Korintherbrief (Tb9)
- MTH 022 Biblical Studies - New Testament (Tb11)
- MTH 032 Advanced Exegetical Methods NT (Tb12)
Stefan Höschele
Sebastian Kuhle
Bernhard Oestreich
Rolf J. Pöhler
- BST 2-35-2 Ekklesiologie (Tf2)
- BST 2-46-3 Eschatologie (Tf6)
- BST 1-35-1 Die Lehre vom Wort Gottes (Tf7)
Johannes Hartlapp
- MRB 313 Jüdisches Gottes- und Weltverständnis (Th1)
- MTS 032 Pietism and the European Enlightenment (Th2)
- MTS 031 European Reformation History (Th3)
- BKG 312 Christentum im 19. Jahrhundert (Th4)
- BKG 242 Christliche Kirchen und Konfessionen (Th5)
- BKG 421 Christentum im 20. Jahrhundert / Ökumenik (Th6)
- MWR 422 Die Christenheit am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts (Th7)
- BSG2 503 Philosophiegeschichte (Th8)
- BKG1 101 Altertum und Mittelalter (Th9)
- BKG1 102 Geschichte der Siebenten-Tags-Adventisten (Th10)
- MTS 043 Issues in Adventist History (Th11)
- BKG1-242 Ellen Gould White (Th12)
- BKG1-241 Proseminar: Reformationsgeschichte (Th13)
- BKG2-50-2 Konfessionskunde (Th14)
Kerstin Maiwald
Klaus Schmitz
Laszlo Szabo
- MTS 092 Theology of Church Growth (Tp2)
- MTS 093 Foundations of Leadership and Coaching (Tp3)
- BWG 401 Evangelisation (Tp4)
- BWG 132 Gemeindeaufbau / MTS 092 Theology of Church Growth (Tp5)
- MCG 313 Gemeinde in der Gesellschaft (Tp6)
- MTS 081 Trends and Developments in European Religiosity (Tp7)
- BWG1-101 Bibelarbeit (Tp8)
- WG1-102 Multimedia und Evangelism (Tp9)
- MTS 102 Theology of Mission and Ministry (Tp10)
- BWG 402 Gemeindegründung (Tp11)
- MTH092 Introduction to Empirics / MTH093 Research for Decisionmakers (Tp12)
Martin Klingbeil
Goran Zivkovic
- BAT2-50-1 Daniel (Ts1)
- BAT2-50-2 Theologie des Alten Testaments (Ts2)
- BAT1-30-2 Geschichte Israels und Archäologie Palästinas (Ts3)
- BAT2-60-3 Hermeneutik und Exegese AT (Ts4)
- BAT1-40-4 Einleitung in das Alte Testament (Ts5)
- BAT1-40-5 Exegese Pentateuch (Ts6)
Bojan Godina
- MTH 052 Ministry in a Media-Shaped World (Ty1)
- MTH 072 Pastoral Care and Counseling (Ty2)
- MTH 073 Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict Management (Ty3)
- MTH 131 Biblical and Personal Spirituality (Ty4)
- MEL 271 Psychosomatics, trauma and pastoral care (Ty5)
- MEL 272 Neuropsychological insights for pastoral care and pastoral work (Ty6)
Simone Emmert
- BS4P1-1 Einführung in das deutsche Rechtssystem (Sa1)
- BS4P1-2 Einführung in das Sozialrecht und das allgemeine Verwaltungsrecht (Sa2)
- BSP43:1,2,3 Krankenversicherungsrecht / Besondere Rechtsfragen zu Alter und Krankheit (Sa3)
- MC7P7-2 Berufsrecht für Berater und Therapeuten (Sa4)
- BS4P2-1,2: Familienrecht (Sa5)
- MSG5P8-1 Diversity Management (Sa6)
- BS4WP6-2 Arbeitsrecht (Sa7)
- Strafrecht (Sa8)
W. Schwabe
Friedegard Föltz
- BS1P4-2 Ausgewählte Bereiche sozialer Exklusion und…(Se3)
- BS1P1-2 Theorie und Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit (Se4)
- BSP1-5 Arbeitsfelder der Sozialen Arbeit (Se5)
- Berufspraktikum (Se6)
- Diakonik (Se7)
Kwaku Arhin-Sam
Daniel Bendix
- Land Use, land rights and development (Sn1)
- Theories of Social Development (Sn2)
- Sexual and Reproductive Rights (Sn3)
- Academic Writing (Sn4)
- Global Public Health (Sn5)
Klaus Schmitz
Andreas Bochmann - Klaus Schmitz
Jill Blau
- MI6C1-2 Development in Practice: Legacy and Industry (Sy6)
- M16E8D-1 Land use, land rights and development (Sy7)
- MD11-1 Gender and Intersectionality (Sy8)
Thomas Spiegler
Training courses
Do you need help? Don´t hesitate to ask for additional courses:
- Library Introduction for Counseling
- Library Introduction for International Social Sciences
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
- Library Introduction for Sozial- und Gesundheitsmanagement
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
- Introduction Citavi for faculty
- Introduction Citavi for students
- Introduction Citavi for students
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
- Course BS5P1-2 for Soziale Arbeit B.A. and Theologie B.A.
Citavi is a reference management program that the Friedensau Adventist University offers its affiliates free of cost in its full-version. Download:
On the download page you will be asked for your E-Mail Address. In case you don't have such E-Mail Address, please request a voucher there.
Specific settings for Friedensau Adventist University affiliates can be downloaded by right clicking at: Setup Citavi ThHF
Open Citavi, go to the menu item „Tools“ and import the file „Setup Citavi ThHF.csd“ by choosing „Import or export settings...“.
Do you need help? Don´t hesitate to ask us: .
SciFlow simplifies scientific writing and publishing by standardizing document formatting and enabling interaction and communication between different parties. The web-based application optimizes the writing process from start to finish, including the publishing of a thesis or dissertation.
Since the application is developed and provided by a German company, European data protection regulations are taken into account. The interface, templates, integrated technical support, and training are available in both German and English.
Learn how to use SciFlow Authoring: Make academic writing effortless and save time with automatic formatting
Getting started with SciFlow Authoring: Simplify scientific writing and save time
Language: German
Dates: February 18 / May 6 / September 9 / November 18
Duration: 1 hour
Time: 14:00 (Berlin time)
Registration Link (Date selection is available during registration)
Available at the library counter
Besides our free services, we offer various additional resources and services at the counter. The price list is displayed at the counter. Some items/services are listed here.
Service/Item | Price |
Photocopy film | €0.25 |
Protective covers | |
Book covering (applying protective cover) | €1.00 |
Adhesive binding | |
Spine width up to 10 mm | €1.50 |
11–20 mm | €1.50–€1.80 |
Thicker than 20 mm | €2.00 |
Interlibrary loan PIN codes | |
Single-code card | €1.50 |
10-code card | €15.00 |
Protective covers | |
Book covering (24–28 cm) per meter | €1.00 |
Book covering (40-… cm) per meter | €1.50 |
Other | |
Card protector | €0.30 |
... and much more.