Collegial cooperation for language examinations
27. Jun. 2022
After a long interruption - due to the Corona regulations - the final examinations in the biblical languages for Bogenhofen theology students could be held in presence for the first time again in 2022. The oral part of the examination took place at the beginning of June under the direction of Dr. Wernfried Rieckmann from Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) at Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen (Austria). To the delight of their teachers Johannes Kovar and Martin Pröbstle, Ph.D., all candidates achieved good and very good results and will soon hold their Graecum and Hebraicum certificates in their hands.
The cooperation is based on a cooperation agreement between the FAU and the Seminar Schloss Bogenhofen. Thanks to its state recognition, the FAU is in a position to award state-recognised educational qualifications. Thus, with collegial support, it is also possible to award these coveted educational qualifications in Bogenhofen.