FAU says goodbye to …
22. Jan. 2020
Lilli Unrau, employee in the admissions office, most recently in the Dean's Office of Theology; she worked at the university for over 15 years; Prof. Dr. phil. Margarete Reinhart (top left): Program Director Health and Nursing Sciences; initiated university-certified continuing education in nursing in cooperation with Pfeiffer'sche Stiftungen; from 2012–2020 at FAU; Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. medic. Silvia Hedenigg: Program Director MA Social and Health Management; Professor of Social Work; from 2007–2020 at FAU;Gabriele Eggert (bottom left):Library staff member since 1996 (with interruptions); special field: journals; Carolin Burgschweiger:BA Library and Information Management; library staff member since 2017
... and gives thanks to all of them for the successful collaboration!