Project trip 2023 to Tanzania successfully completed

20. Sep. 2023

In the summer of 2023, Dr. László Szabó, Associate Professor of Mission Studies and Intercultural Studies and Director of Arthur Daniells Institute of Mission Studies at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU), traveled with several teams to Karao in Tanzania. One of the teams included students from the master's program in Pastoral Ministry at FAU. For them, it was a supplement to their studies; they put what they had learned into practice in Karao and the surrounding area. The students preached sermons and devotions in church services, designed children's programs, visited families in their bomas, held talks, organized programs on HIV prevention and health issues.
What the Participants of the trip to Tanzania experienced is multifaceted. Student feedback shows the powerful impact of their experiences, "The mission trip to Tanzania is one of the most important experiences in my life ... It has permanently enriched me and opened my eyes" (theology student Damir Super). "I think that this trip had a great impact on me ... I learned that we should really start to appreciate more what we have ... and take care of those who don't have as much as we do" (Theology student Andrei Sisu).
A research project of Dr. László Szabó deals with the living environment of the children of the Maasai. The aim of the data collection and interviews is to gain insight into how the Maasai children in Karao with different family constellations (children with family, children of widows and orphans) experience their socialization (family, boma, village, school, community) and their own, often inadequate living conditions (hunger, lack of water, lack of attention, trauma). The next trip to Tanzania will take place in summer 2024.

For more information see our blog page: Participants of the trip to Tanzania show themselves very impressed.

Bild der THH Friedensau
Dr. László Szabó with his five Projectgroups in Karao (Tanzania).
Photo: FAU