Academic year ends with festive church service
27. Jun. 2021
The academic year 2020/21 ended on June 26, 2021 with a festive service in the Arena Friedensau. An academic year came to an end that could only be held online for many weeks. All the better: We were able to meet for the service "almost like before". The sermon was held by Pastor Ralf Schönfeld, Chairman of the Board of the Association of Niedersachsen-Bremen, on the subject of "The Art of Helping":
God inquires where something is wrong; he helps to identify the concrete problems. God addresses things openly. He shows respect and genuine compassion.
In the next few weeks, the first students will graduate and move to their future places of work. Goodbye, see you at the graduation on October 10 in Friedensau! As representatives we said goodbye to: Sarah (B.A. Social Work), Tomas (Master of Theological Studies), Benjamin (M.A. Theology). God's blessings to you!
On this occasion, the university congregation said goodbye and thank you to Brother and Sister Schwenger. Reingard was a church leader for three years, Jens a discussion leader in the Sabbath School for eight years; he held regular devotions in the retirement home, and sermons in the church. She worked as a social worker at the Friedensau retirement home, Jens at the University as Dean of Students. God's blessings to you, too, and thank you for the time together!
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(Photograph: FAU | Szilvia Szabó)