Concert of the choir “Laudate” in the chapel of Friedensau
05. Nov. 2018
On Saturday, November 3, 2018, the chamber choir "Laudate", directed by Thorsten Fabrizi, sang the "Petite Messe Solennelle" by Gioachino Rossini in the chapel of Friedensau. Soloists were: Shirley Radig (soprano), Madeline Cain (alto), Richard Neugebauer (tenor), and Juan Villanueva (bass).
The choir "Laudate" was formed in 2016 by the project choir of the church district Elbe-Fläming on the initiative of the Choirmaster Thorsten Fabrizi. The singers come from the region around Magdeburg, from the Jerichower Land to Bad Belzig and Ziesar. Their musical interest is the preservation and dissemination of sophisticated church music. Music lovers will remember the performances of the "Messiah" by Georg Friedrich Händel and the oratorio "The Atonement of the New Confederation" by Carl Loewe with the project choir of the Elbe-Fläming church district and professional orchestral musicians.