Concert of Eric & Monique Johnson from Melbourne
24. Sep. 2018
On Sunday, September 23, 2018, the musicianaries Eric and Monique Johnson (Melbourne) gave a concert in the event barn in Friedensau. Their music is that of the singer-songwriters, complemented by influences of worship and indie. They sang of their faith and of their very personal experiences with God. Since 2009, they have been touring as musicianaries; so far, their tours have taken them to North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. They have released 4 albums (Pilgrim; Songs of Ascent: Psalm 103; with Matt & Josie Minikus; Everlasting) and given more than 400 concerts worldwide. They are guests on Christian radio and TV stations in Germany (Hope Channel), Australia, and the USA. Currently, they are on a wold tour. After their concert in Friedensau, they will give concerts in Hildesheim, Nürnberg, Aschaffenburg, Penzberg, Salzburg, Vienna, and Graz, before they leave for Australia via Great Britain. For further information see