Friedensau Adventist University constitutes a new Senate
20. Nov. 2023

Photo: FAU
Friedensau Adventist University amended its basic regulations in spring 2023 and brought them more in line with the new Higher Education Act of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. This changed the composition of some committees, such as the Rectorate and the Curatorium. One innovation concerns the "heart" of academic self-administration, the Senate. Whereas previously all full-time teaching staff were represented there, in future three representatives of the departments and one representative of the academic support staff will be elected to effectively advise and decide on issues relating to research and teaching, university development, the organization of studies and the university's facilities.
As a result of the digitally conducted election, these employees in the Senate hold the reins for shaping the future of the university in their hands:
For the Department of Theology: Prof. Stefan Höschele, Igor Lorencin, Ph.D., Sebastian Kuhle; for the Department of Christian Social Studies: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schultz, Prof. Dr. Daniel Bendix and Dr. Annette Witherspoon. Representatives of the academic support staff are Jochen Streit, the students Nancy Müller and Damir Mitrov, who are also student representatives. The Senate also includes the Rector Prof. Dr. Roland Fischer, the Vice-Rector Prof. Andreas Bochmann, the Chancellor Tobias H. Koch (in an advisory capacity), the Deans Alexander Schulze, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Thomas Spiegler (in an advisory capacity) and the Equal Opportunities Officer Linda Reinicke.
The members of the Senate were appointed and inaugurated on November 15 by the Rector and in the presence of the teaching staff. We wish the elected persons creative ideas and a successful commitment to the orientation and further development of Friedensau Adventist University of Theology as an Adventist educational institution at a high academic level.