Presentation of the research projects at the open day
04. Jun. 2024
The presentation of the research projects of the lecturers at Friedensau Adventist University will take up a special space on the Open Day on June 9, 2024. In the culture barn, located on the village square, there are display walls with posters that provide information about current research at the ThHF. In a narrower time slot in the afternoon, interested visitors can meet lecturers from the two Schools of Theology and Social Sciences and ask them about their research areas and projects.
From the School of Theology:
Prof. Martin Klingbeil and the Institute of Biblical Archaeology are exhibiting a 3,700-year-old louse comb carved from ivory, which was not only beautiful and functional, but also contained the longest Canaanite inscription. A highly interesting find that not only archaeologically interested contemporaries should take a look at.
Dr. László Szabó presents the “Karao – Education, Nutrition, Health” project, an international collaboration with the Maasai in Tanzania.
From the School of Social Sciences:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Silvia Hedenigg talks about her view of “Generation Z and the shortage of skilled workers in the social sector”.
Under the title “Anyone can do statistics”, Prof. Dr. Thomas Spiegler shows that this subject does not have to be complicated and how we can do a lot of statistics in everyday life without having to do the math.
Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schultz presents her research on the cycle of displacement/return – emplacement – displacement/return in Sudan before and after the secession of South Sudan.
Prof. Daniel Bendix presents a comic story and includes parts of his family history: “Remembering Shoah and colonial genocide between Germany and Namibia”.
Dr. Regina Lorek presents the contents and areas of application of music therapy - how music can support healing for psychological somatic, psychosomatic and cognitive symptoms.
Dr. Annette Witherspoon presents “Two scoops of vanilla ...” - the production and distribution conditions in vanilla cultivation, which tend not to be considered when eating ice cream.
Dr. Kwaku Arhin-Sam, Director of the Friedensau Institute for Evaluation (FIFE), shows with the poster “Engendering Climat Change in Aquaculture: Gender and Climat Change Adaptation in Northern Zambia” how issues of gender equality and climate change in fish farms in northern Zambia are interrelated.
Friedensau has been in existence for 125 years. June 9, 2024 is the best opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the facilities that have been built in the middle of the forest over the years and where people are trained today, as they were 125 years ago, to actively and committedly follow a calling to serve others and make this world a little better. Friedensau is not only a place to study, but also a place to work and live. Here you can enjoy a vacation, go for a walk, hike, cycle, swim, use the facilities of the shop-café, campsite and guest house - and feel at home. The detailed program can be found at |
Text: Andrea Cramer