Habilitation thesis on interconfessional relations published
30. Aug. 2022
The publishing house V&R unipress (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen) has just published a work by Professor Stefan Höschele entitled "Adventist Interchurch Relations - A Study in Ecumenics." The work - a revised habilitation thesis - represents the first comprehensive analysis of Adventist interchurch relations, i.e. a church with 20 million members whose attitude towards ecumenism has been little researched so far. To interpret this commitment and reservations within Adventism as well as beyond, the work develops a new theoretical approach to ecumenism based on Relational Models Theory, a comprehensive social science paradigm for interpreting human relationships. The resulting typology of ecumenical interactions and the historical case study of Adventism suggest that such a relational interpretation of ecumenical interaction sheds light on many of the unresolved problems in ecumenism - such as divergent conceptions of unity, challenges in recognition processes and the durability of denominationalisms.
Stefan Höschele is Professor of Systematic Theology and Adventist Studies at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU). He worked in Algeria in 1993/94 and in Tanzania from 1997 to 2003. He has been teaching at the FAU since 2003.
The book was published in English and can be obtained from bookshops. Bibliographical information: Stefan Höschele: Adventist Interchurch Relations. A Study in Ecumenics. Series: Church - Confession - Religion, Vol. 84. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2022. ISBN 978-3-8471-1463-5 | 511 pages, 65,00 Euro. | Webshop.