University-certified continuing education program completed

27. Nov. 2018

The last module is completed. Congratulations! On November 27, 2018, the university-certified continuing education program "Nursing Management" ended after 9 modules and 4.5 years of joint learning.

In a ceremony, the participants presented the learning contents competently and informatively to the guests present. Tobias Bruckhaus, the managing director of the hospital of the foundations Pfeiffersche Stiftungen and Katharina Scholz, the care manager, praised the joint project of Pfeiffersche Stiftungen and Friedensau Adventist University (FAU).

FAU gives thanks to all professors involved and, especially, to Prof. Dr. Margarete Reinhart, the director of the continuing education program. Great success to all well-trained managers in the implementation of what you have learned!

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