5th International Symposium “Adventism and the Anabaptists”

05. Mar. 2024

In preparation for the 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist movement in 2025, Friedensau Adventist University invites you to the 5th International Symposium of the Institute for Adventist Studies in Friedensau from April 15 to 18, 2024. The conference language is English.

On the evening of January 21, 1525, Konrad Grebel performed a baptism of faith in Zollikon near Zurich on the former Roman Catholic priest Jörg Blaurock, who had asked him to do so. Blaurock then baptized other members of his circle of friends. With this act, the first independent congregation detached from the Zurich Reformation was established. To this day, January 21, 1525 is considered the founding date of a movement that was pejoratively referred to by its opponents as the Anabaptist movement; since the 20th century, it has also been referred to as the Radical Reformation or the left wing of the Reformation. However, these terms can only inadequately reflect the breadth and thematic diversity of the movement.

The core concern was the longing for a comprehensive reformation, which was characterized by four main points: (1) consistent discipleship, (2) the Holy Scriptures as the indispensable standard for faith and life, (3) the priesthood of all believers and (4) the separation of church and state authority. This often led to strict non-violence, withdrawal from the world and strong eschatological expectations. Baptism of faith marked membership in the movement.

Even if there are only a few larger groups today that trace their history directly back to the Anabaptist movement (the Mennonites, the Amish and a few others), influences of this movement can be traced in many ways in the creeds and church order of today’s denominations. The symposium is intended to explore the various aspects and traces of the Anabaptist movement in Adventism and beyond.

Friedensau was founded in 1899 and will celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2024. It is home to Friedensau Adventist University of Theology, a state-recognized university sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Ten B.A. and M.A. degree programs – some of which are part-time, online or part-time – can be taken in the schools of Social Sciences and Theology: https://www.thh-friedensau.de | www.friedensau.de | www.125-Friedensau.de (Text: Friedensau Adventist University).

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Poster: Friedensau Adventist University | Eugen Mayer