Foto Igor Lorencin, Prof. Dr. habil.

Igor Lorencin, Prof. Dr. habil.

Professor of New Testament Studies | School of Theology
Doctoral Program Coordinator

Igor Lorencin, Prof. Dr. habil.

Professor of New Testament Studies | School of Theology
Doctoral Program Coordinator

An der Ihle 5 A
39291 Möckern-Friedensau

Raum: LÜP 207 a
Telefon: +49 (0) 3921 916-217

Icon PlusEducation and Employment

Professor of New Testament Studies - Friedensau Adventist University, Germany

2024 – until today - Lectures, Seminars, Student Development, Student Mentoring up to Doctoral Level

Habilitation (Dr. habil.) Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Hungary

2018 - 2023

Associate Professor of New Testament Studies - Friedensau Adventist University, Germany

2015 – 2023 - Lectures, Seminars, Student Development

Academic Dean - Adriatic Union College, Maruševec, Croatia

2013 – 2015 - Administration, Finances, Lecturing, Student Development

Associate Dean - Adriatic Union College, Maruševec, Croatia

2011 – 2013 - Class Scheduling, Student Practicum, Lecturing, Student Development

Senior Pastor - Seventh-day Adventist Church, Central Church of Zagreb, Croatia

2007 – 2011 - Church Administration, Preaching, Counseling, Guest Lecturer at Maruševec & Belgrade SDA Theological Colleges

Pastor - Seventh-day Adventist Church, Elk Grove Village, Chicago Metropolitan Area, Illinois, USA

2003 – 2007 - Preaching, Counseling

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) - Andrews University, Michigan, USA

1999 - 2007

Diplom-Theologe (Dipl.-Theol.) - Friedensau Adventist University, Germany

1994 - 1999

Icon PlusPublications


  • „Naherwartung und ritualisiertes Hoffen der Urgemeinde: Die tragende Rolle der christlichen Rituale im Züge der Parusieverzögerung.“ Habilitation Thesis: Debrecen Reformed Theological University,  2022.
  • Dekodiranje Apokalipse. Kaj sporoča Razodetje po Janezu, medtem ko se nizajo ugibanja o prihodnosti? Ljubljana: Društvo prijateljev Svetega Pisma, 2012. 158 pp. ISBN:978-961-6584-22-7
  • Povratak vrijednostima – vodič u novi poredak. Maruševec: Adventistički teološki fakultet, 2012. 152 pp. ISBN: 978-953-6033-18-8
  • Dekodiranje Apokalipse. Dok se nižu nagađanja o budućnosti, što nam poručuje Otkrivenje? Zagreb: Znaci Vremena, 2009. 144 pp. ISBN: 978-953-183-153-6
  • Hospitality Versus Patronage: An Investigation of Social Dynamics in the Third Epistle of John. Maruševec: Adventistički teološki fakultet, 2008. 267pp. ISBN: 978-953-6033-14-0

Research Articles

  • „Les messages des trois anges pour notre temps.” Ministry Magazine, En Francais, 1er trimestre (2024): 24-26.
  • „Handlungen, die das Denken formen – Stärkung der eschatologischen Hoffnung durch die frühchristlichen Rituale.” In: Malte Cramer und Daniel Klinkmann (Hg.). Rituale im Neuen Testament und im frühen Christentum. Beiträge zur Wissenschaft vom Alten und Neuen Testament (BWANT). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2024, 241-264.
  • „Communion and Coming. The Role of the Early Christian Lord's Supper Celebration in Keeping the Advent Hope Alive.” In: J. Rolf Pöhler/Kerstin Maiwald (Hg.). "The Kingdom of God Is at Hand!". Adventist Interpretations of Biblical Apocalypticism (Adventistica: Studies in Adventist History and Theology 4), Friedensau: Friedensau Adventist University - Institute of Adventist Studies 2024.
  • „Messianic Banquet.” In: Seventh-Day Adventist Biblical Theological Dictionary.
  • „Messianic Secret.” In: Seventh-Day Adventist Biblical Theological Dictionary.
  • „The Three Angels' Messages for our Time.” Ministry Magazine August (2023): 18-20.
  • „Quien es Dios? Lo que dice la Biblia dice sobre la Trinidad.” Berit Olam 18, No.1 (2021): 1-9.
  • „Who is God? What the Bible says about the Trinity.” Ministry Magazine December (2020): 10-13.
  • „Hospitality as a Ritual Liminal-Stage Relationship with Transformative Power: Social Dynamics of Hospitality and Patronage in the Third Epistle of John.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 49/3 (2019): 146-155.
  • „Worin investierst du? Zum biblischen Begriff "Babylon."” Glauben Heute - Theologische Impulse (2019): 87-95.
  • „Babylonian Mentality: With whom do you bank?“ Ministry Magazine April (2014): 18-21.
  • „Pavlov način rješavanja kriznih situacija – Na primjeru 1. Korinćanima 8-10.“ Biblijski pogledi, Adventistički teološki fakultet Marusevec (2013): 15-24.
  • „Svećenstvo svih svetih: Socijalna dimenzija borbe za vlast u ranokršćanskoj crkvi.“ Biblijski pogledi, Adventistički teološki fakultet Marusevec (2012): 1-10.
  • „Near but Distant: Lessons from Luke on the Problem of Indifferent Members.“ Ministry Magazine, November (2011): 13-14.
  • „Dekodiranje Apokalipse: Je li moguće razumjeti jezik Otkrivenja Ivanovog?“ Naučno razumevanje jezika religije. Zbornik radova objavljenih na prvom međunarodnom naučnom skupu u Beogradu, Teološki institut Beograd (2009): 107-120.
  • „Hospitality and Not Patronage: Lessons in Relationships in 3 John.“ Ministry Magazine, February (2008): 21-22
  • „Hospitality Versus Patronage: An Investigation of Social Dynamics in the Third Epistle of John.“ Andrews University Seminary Studies 46 (2008): 165-174.

Popular Articles – Selection

  • "Wege der Begegnung mit Jesus. Warum gibt es im Neuen Testament vier Evangelien?" Adventisten Heute 9 (2024): 8-10.
  • "Illusion oder Tatsache? Die Auferstehung Christi im Lichte der Zeitzeugen." Adventisten Heute (2023): 8-10.
  • "Sabbath in a Communist Country." The Gift. What the Sabbath Means to Me. Nampa: Pacific Press, 2022, 131.
  • „Die Dreifache Engelsbotschaft für das 21. Jahrhundert. Christlicher Widerstand gegen die babylonische Gesinnung.” Adventisten Heute Gebetswoche (2021): 11-12.
  • „Rejecting conspiracies, living with God.” Ministry Magazine April (2021): 30.
  • „Kršćanin i teorije zavjera.” Glasnik 12, Beograd (2020): 7-9.
  • „Isus Krist nasuprot zavjerama; živi odnos, ili tajno znanje?” Adventistički Pregled 9/10, Zagreb (2020): 4.
  • „Das Programm des Reiches Gottes: Wenn Jesus selig preist.” Adventisten Heute 5 (2019): 8-9.
  • „Es jammerte ihn: Bewegt bei Gott.” Adventisten Heute 12 (2017): 8-9.
  • „Pouzdanost Kristovih riječi: Događaji vremena posljetka i izostanak Kristovog ponovnog dolaska.“ Adventistički Pregled, Zagreb (2015): 7.
  • „Slikovitost nasuprot doslovnosti: Biblijski slikoviti jezik.“ Glasnik 5, Beograd (2015): 7-9.
  • „Zašto baš Biblija?“ Odjek 113, Zagreb (2012): 6-7, 14.
  • „Božićno svjetlo.“ Adventistički Pregled, Zagreb (2008): 7-8.
  • Blog: 

Book Reviews

  • Jew, Ian Y. S. Paul's Emotional Regime. The Social Function of Emotion in Philippians and 1 Thessalonians. New York: T&T Clark Bloomsbury 2021. 218pp. Biblische Notizen 196 (2023): 159-160.
  • Hockey, M Katherine. The Role of Emotion in 1 Peter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 297pp. Biblical Theology Bulletin 51/4 (2021): 252-254.
  • Barry J. Beitzel, ed. Lexham Geographic Commentary on the Gospels. Bellingham: Lexham Press, 2017. 583 pp. Spes Christiana 31/2 (2020): 201-203.
  • Stuhlmacher, Peter. Biblical Theology of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018. 935 pp. Andrews University Seminary Studies 57 (2019): 247-250.
  • Eric Eve. Writing the Gospels. Composition and Memory. London: SPCK, 2016. 172 pp. Andrews University Seminary Studies 56 (2018): 174-176.
  • William G. Johnsson. Where Are We Headed? Westlake Village: Oak & Acorn Publishing, 2017. Spectrum Magazine 4 (2017): 30-31.
  • David A. Lamb. Text, Context and the Johannine Community. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Johannine Writings. London/New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014. 231 pp. Andrews University Seminary Studies 53 (2015): 224-226.
  • Reza Aslan. Zelot – život i vrijeme Isusa iz Nazareta. Profil: Zagreb: 2013, 298 pp. Bogoslovska smotra, 82 (2014): 403-405.

Icon PlusResearch and Scientific Presentations

  • „The Hymns in the Book of Revelation: How Ritual Embodiment Positively Influences the Emotional Experience of the Participants.“ Society of Biblical Literature, Ritual in the Biblical World Section, San Diego, November 2024.
  • „The Role of Rituals in Strengthening Hope.“ Research Day, Friedensau Adventist University, November 2023.
  • „Cosmic Conflict in the Gospel of Mark and Its Significance for the Seventh-day Adventist Message.“ Adventist Society for Religious Studies, San Antonio, November 2023.
  • „Early Christian Rituals Strengthening the Eschatological Hope.” Scientific Lecture in Habilitation Process. Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Debrecen, November 2023.
  • „Narrative Stilmittel des Johannesevangeliums.” Class Lecture in Habilitation Process. Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Debrecen, November 2023.
  • Handlungen, die das Denken formen – Stärkung der eschatologischen Hoffnung durch die frühchristlichen Rituale.“ Symposium of Ruhr-Universität Bochum on the topic: Agency – Design – Performanz: Rituale im Neuen Testament und in seiner Umwelt im Horizont gegenwärtiger Ritualforschung, September 2022.
  • „Coming and Communion: The Role of the Lord's Supper in Keeping the Advent Hope Alive - Lessons from the Early Christians. 4th International Symposium of the Institute of Adventist Studies, Friedensau Adventist University, April 2021.
  • „Early Christian Ritual Habits Strengthening the Eschatological Hope. Society of Biblical Literature, Ritual in the Biblical World Section, Virtual, December 2020.
  • „Hermeneutical Turn in Adventism? Adventist Society for Religious Studies, Denver, November 2018.
  • „Methodical Analysis Meets Pragmatism - Contribution of Cognitive Narratology Applied to the Case Study of Mark 10:46-52. Society of Biblical Literature, Gospel of Mark Section, Helsinki, August 2018.
  • „Where Are We Headed? Book review and discussion of William G. Johnssons book, Adventist Society for Religious Studies, Boston, November 2017.
  • „Hospitality vs. Patronage – Ritual Liminal-Stage Relationship? European Association of Biblical Studies, Anthropology & the Bible Section, Berlin, August 2017.
  • „Logos i novo stvaranje u Ivanovom Evanđelju.“ Theological symposium at the Adriatic Union College, Juni 2015, Maruševec, Croatia.
  • „Pavlov način rješavanja kriznih situacija – Na primjeru 1. Korinćanima 8-10.“ Theological symposium at the Adriatic Union College, Juni 2013, Maruševec, Croatia.
  • „Translatable Gospel: Towards a Theology of Translatability - Contextual look at 1 Cor 9:19-23.“ European Adventist Society of Theology and Religious Studies, April 2013, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • „Svećenstvo svih svetih: Socijalna dimenzija borbe za vlast u ranokršćanskoj crkvi.“ Theological symposium at the Adriatic Union College, Juni 2011, Maruševec, Croatia.
  • „Dekodiranje Apokalipse: Je li moguće razumjeti jezik Otkrivenja Ivanovog?“ Theological symposium “Naučno razumevanje jezika religije” in April 2009, Belgrad, Serbia.

Icon PlusTeaching

  • MTS 011 – Exegesis of Pauline Letters
  • MTS 012 – Hermeneutics of the Hebrew-Christian Bible
  • MTS 022 – The Book of Revelation
  • MTH 022 – Biblical Studies - New Testament
  • MTH 032 – Advanced Exegetical Methods - New Testament
  • BGR 100 – Griechisch Unterricht (Graecum)
  • BNT 101 – Griechisch Lektüre 1
  • BNT 102 – Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte
  • BNT 203 – Griechisch Lektüre 2
  • BNT 204 – Neutestamentliche Exegese
  • BNT 501 – Einleitung in das Neue Testament
  • BNT 502 – Offenbarung des Johannes
  • BNT 603 – Neutestamentliche Briefe – 1. Korintherbrief
  • BNT 604 – Theologie des Neuen Testaments – die Theologie Jesu
  • MHZ 132 – Eschatologie und Apokalyptik im Neuen Testament
  • MEK 201 – Narrative Exegese
  • MEK 202 – Rhetorische Exegese
  • MRB 311 – Biblische Theologie des NT – Die Theologie des Paulus
  • MCG 312 – Gesellschaftlich relevante Themen – Kulturanthropologie NT
  • MRK 201 – Ritualdynamik im Neuen Testament

Icon PlusGuest Lecturing

  • 05 / 2021 Adventističko teološko visoko učilište, Croatia
  • 11 / 2019 Debrecen Reformed Theological University, Hungary
  • 03 / 2018 Adriatic Union College, Maruševec, Croatia
  • 03 / 2016 Adventističko teološko visoko učilište, Croatia
  • 04 / 2014 Teološki fakultet Beograd, Serbia
  • 11 / 2012 Andrews University, Michigan, U.S.A.
  • 03 / 2011 Adventističko teološko visoko učilište, Croatia
  • 04 / 2012 Teološki fakultet Beograd, Serbia
  • 05 / 2010 Adriatic Union College, Maruševec, Croatia
  • 04 / 2010 Teološki fakultet Beograd, Serbia
  • 03 / 2009 Adventističko teološko visoko učilište, Croatia
  • 04 / 2008 Teološki fakultet Beograd, Serbia
  • 03 / 2008 Adriatic Union College, Maruševec, Croatia
  • 10 / 2007 Adventističko teološko visoko učilište, Croatia