Reference book “Beyond the Master’s Tools” published
09. Dec. 2020
Daniel Bendix, together with Franziska Müller (University of Hamburg) and Aram Ziai (University of Kassel), published a book on decolonizing research and teaching in London: "Beyond the Master's Tools?" Prof. Bendix teaches at the Friedensau Adventist University in the English-language International Social Sciences program.
This book – published in English – offers a compendium of strategies for decolonizing global knowledge orders, research methodology and teaching in the social sciences. The volume presents recent work on epistemological critique, which is characterized by postcolonial thinking. It outlines strategies for active decolonization of social science methodology and learning/teaching environments that will be of great benefit to academic fields dealing with global order. The volume focuses on the decolonization of intellectual history in the social sciences, followed by contributions on social science methodology and finally by further practical suggestions for pedagogical-didactic approaches in academic teaching. The book is not limited to the classic format of research articles, but also includes interviews with scholars.
Daniel Bendix; Franziska Müller & Aram Ziai (Hrsg.): Beyond the Master‘s Tools? Decolonizing Knowledge Orders, Research Methods and Teaching. London: Rowman & Littlefield 2020. ISBN 978-1-78661-358-5. Paperback $ 41,95 | £32.00