VEF student meeting
02. Dec. 2019
A group of theology students from Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) took part in a student meeting of the “Vereinigung evangelischer Freikirchen” (Union of Protestant Free Churches) from November 28 to 30, 2019. VEF is the Union of Protestant Free Churches, a kind of interdenominational working group. For the first time, FAU students took part in the VEF student meeting. Meeting people from other denominations that are free churches just like the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a kind of practical teaching for prospective theologians. “It was inspiring to talk to the people and exchange views. We had class and worship services together,” said Philip Nern, student in the Master’s program in Theology. Students of six different universities took part in the meeting at Theologische Hochschule Elstal.