Autumn Conference of BAGHR took place in Friedensau
21. Oct. 2021
The autumn conference of the "Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer des Rechts an Fachhochschulen/Fachbereiche des Sozialwesens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BAGHR e.V.)" took place from October 15 to 16, 2021 in Friedensau.
The conference offered two main topics: The first dealt with the "Law of Rehabilitation and Participation". Prof. Dr. Katja Nebe from the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg reported on a current research project. In a second presentation, Dr. phil. Friedegard Föltz from the Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) spoke about the relationship between theory and practice of integration assistance, using the example of foster children with mental disabilities. The second main topic focused on migration law. Prof. Dr. Anne Walter from the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda spoke on the European law perspective of family reunification. Dietmar Roller from International Justice Mission offered training on the topic of "Combating human trafficking and modern slavery". The conference could be followed online.
Of interest to participants was the guided tour of Friedensau and the Institute for Biblical Studies and Biblical Archaeology with an affiliated museum with Dr. theol. Wernfried Rieckmann (FAU). Participants who joined online were included virtually. The organizer of this event was Prof. Dr. Simone Emmert (FAU/as of 1.10. TH Nuremberg).